Promote your fetish site for free on our Network
The Watch4Fetish partner program has a global reach of over 20k exclusive fetish users per day. As an advertising/ sponsor partner, we are happy to return this good fetish traffic. Without costsGeneral questions and requirements?
What are the requirements?
You should have a website with content related to our fetishes like latex, spandex, flexibility, etc. For your website you should provide us with promotional videos with a minimum duration of 5 minutes and a quality of at least 720p. You should have the rights and legal 2257 to post these promo videos
On which Websites will my advertising be shown?
Our network includes 7 websites in various fetishes Watch4Fetish.com ZentaiDolls.com GiantFem.com FemLatex.com GymRotic.com DollRotic.com TopFlexModels.com It is up to you where the advertisement is displayed
Do I need an affiliate program to display my advertising?
You do not need an affiliate program to advertise your site with the help of promo videos. However, an affiliate program would be helpful to get a extra banner on the home-startpage, for example on Watch4fetish.com
Where is my link/ banner displayed?
Under each of your promo videos, a large banner (1000x150 px) will be displayed that links to your page
A large link to your page is also displayed on the Model Detail Page
If set up, your banner (600x200 pixels) rotates on the homepage of, for example, Watch4fetish
What do I have to prepare?
Send a email to support@satyridae.com with the following information
Your Website Infos: Site URL Site Name with is displayed Link to the affiliate program if available Model Infos: Model Name Details: (Age, Country) and a brief description of the Model Details of the promo videos: Videos with a minimum resolution of 720p and a minimum length of 5 minutes a brief description of the videos Promotional materials / banners: Page banner 1000x150 pixel jpg Page banner 600x200 pixel jpg
Interested? Send us a short email support@satyridae.com